Tuesday, June 9, 2020

.NET Blogs to Follow - The Beginners List

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Technologies are changing, evolving and deprecating every day. One needs to be well versed with the jargon like open-source, architecture, programming model or buzzwords like AI, ML.

To keep yourself updated with these trends, reading and exploring is imperative. When I start my day and before I jump onto my work, I go through some posts, blogs and articles.  The internet is flooded with content so here is my recommendation for beginners.

  1. Dew Drop - https://www.alvinashcraft.com/
    This is my favorite link and I never miss on reading this one everyday. The best part is that it is regularly updated with great content to explore.
  2. Discover Dot - https://discoverdot.net/
    My second most favorite and an another brilliant web-page to visit daily. A unified place that has new NuGet packages information, blogs, links and videos to go through.
  3. Channel 9 - https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/On-NET
    An extensive channel to go through .NET videos.
  4. Dev.to - https://dev.to/
    A great social platform for programming
  5. The Morning Brew - http://blog.cwa.me.uk/
    Another blog post that gets updated on a daily basis is this one. This too has some useful references to go through.

This is my curated list of top 5 links that I usually follow and read whenever I get time. Also, Twitter is another good source that gives you a lot of content to explore. A great microblogging and social networking service where I follow many tech evangelists.
If there is an amazing data or blog that I am not aware of, feel free to update these in the comments section.

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